Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Who care for their thoughts!!?

As a large number of young people in southern Yemen, I listen with huge interest to our older generation of politicians who have been raised during the socialist and left way of thinking .However ,we , often , do not agree with what they talk about.

Democratic Yemen, Southern Yemen or South of Yemen all the latter names refer to Democratic Republic of Yemen. The latter is the last development of South Yemen that entered the Yemeni Union Project with Arab Republic of Yemen or North Yemen if you wish to call it.

In South Yemen, there was 21 entities distributed as Sheikhdom and Sultanate until the British Colony had come. It ruled South Yemen for 98 Years to create what was named Federation of South Arabia that consisted of eastern and western Sultanates and Sheikhdoms as well as Aden , the heart of South Yemen.

After the Declaration of Independence from the British colony in the November 30, 1967, the People's Republic of South Yemen was declared, which has changed its name to People’s Democratic Republic of Yemen, and was inherited by political leaders, followers of the leftist Socialist.

Far from the details of military and political conflicts in South Yemen, there was intellectual and Religious diversity.For example in the state of Aden, there was an ethnic coexistence of Jews, Christians, Sikhs, Hindus, Magi, Bohra and Muslims and all of them coexisted side by side where still now there are Protestant and Catholics churches as well as the graveyards of the Jews and the British. Aden is always proud to have the presence of one of the main and oldest gathering of Masons in The Arabian Peninsula.

This is beside the comers from Maherah, Hadramout, Socotra, Yafea, Hougreia, and Arrivals from India and Somalia. Moreover, there were a number of British citizens who created the first core of multi ethnic community that contributed in the prosperity of life and the evolution of thought and business in Aden.

Currently, there are many talks about the future of South Yemen as a number of politicians came again to the surface that used to wrestle among themselves. They come and talk about Future of South Yemen which they have been always wrestling about which eventually led to inheritance of blood.

Today, young people who are between 20 and 30s, lived in the Yemeni Union decade with all its positive and negative aspects as well as they heard their grandparents' stories about Aden, look forward to being empowered to contribute in making their future. 

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