Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Yemen Begins Trial in Absentia for Southern Movement's Leader

Observed by: Mr. Alaa Isam

A Yemeni security court in Aden began on Tuesday a trial in absentia for Southern Movement's leader, Shalal Ali Shia on charges of inciting and targeting security and stability in the society.

The prosecutor accused Shalal of inciting and provking people in the south provinces to revolt against Yemeni government.

Salah was also convicted of holding demonstrations called for returning the independent state of the south, which united with the north in 1990.

Last year, a Yemeni court specialized in the cases of terrorism and state security in Aden sentenced to death, Fares Abdullah Saleh, 25, the main suspect behind bombing of Al-Whadah sports club in Sheikh Othman district, Aden, which killed at least four people, and wounded 14 others on October 11.

People in southern Yemen, home to most Yemeni oil facilities, complain that northerners have abused a 1990 agreement uniting the country to grab resources and discriminate against them.

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