Monday, December 19, 2011

The Leader of the Sothern Movement Ba'oom's message to European ambassadors

/ Saturday December 17, 2011

ADEN (ANA) , Aden News Agency ( ANA)  got  the text of the message  submitted  by the Supreme Council of the Peaceful South Movement ,  signed by the  leader Hassan Ahmed Ba'oom and lawyer Ali Haitham al-Gharib ,  to the ambassadors of the European Union during the meeting with leaders of the Southern Movement  in  Aden City  on Saturday  December 17, 2o11. The message confirms that the peaceful struggle of people of the South is the their way to restore their country and their freedom and their independence.
 It emphasizes that the People of South's goal is the liberation and independence whatever the cost would be. Here below the text of the message:

In the name of Allah, the Beneficent, the Merciful.

His Excellence  the  Ambassador of . ...

In consideration of that you show special attention to visit the South, and because we know that this is the first time  the  ambassadors of European Countries and European Union decided to visit to the occupied South, we have to deeply aware, how important your success is for the future of the  occupied South issue  and the future of your work in this legal, legitimate and just case. If you in Europe and the  Security Council had already heard  those who fight  in Sana'a and who commit massacres against their own people, how come the Security Council does not hear  people demand  for freedom  peacefully? .

First of all , we herein  we would like to assure you that it is possible to explain to you all the painful tragedy experienced by our people in the South due to the occupation of Yemen to it, but if the international community does not share our pain, and if our conversation does not meet with your convictions,  these moments will lack its humanitarian objectives... " We are people who only speak what  we  believe " , thus said last British representative in the South Arabia Humphrey Trevelyan about us.

If you may wonder what is the policy of the Supreme Council of the Movement of the Peaceful Liberation of the South led by the MR.  / Hassan Ahmed Ba'oom, we will say: the peaceful struggle with all the power granted to us by God in order to restore our country and our freedom and our independence.

The objective of our people is clearly liberation and independence whatever the cost would be.... even though there are other options which are inferior to this , those options might be, which  are not adopted bythe Supreme Council of the Movement  of the Peaceful Liberation of the South,  nor arethey adopted by  youth  political boards, nor  other field political  components  at home , those options in fact are supported by Yemeni forces, which occupies the South, those who adopt these options do not have any field activities other than meetings outside the southern home, and in the offices of the Yemeni parties.

The main case of the people of the South is to be or not to be that is IT ....

We through these national South constants mentioned above emphasize the following:

(1): We welcome any negotiated dialogue when it rises from external party and under international supervision. We, frankly speaking, the more we talk with the occupation regime  and its sub secretions, the more the gap between us increase.

The international community headed by the Secretary General of the United Nations Ban Ki-moon,  whose epoch experienced solutions to many crises used to be as a heavy burden to the international community, should started  from the confessions of the ruling parties  in the Sana'a who  admitted to the local and international public opinion, and in more than one speech, in  more than one occasion that they actually occupied the South in 1994, and displaced its children and looted its wealth.

Even Major General Ali Mohsen al-Ahmar,  The Army, Commander of First Artillery Corp and Military Commander Northern and Western regions,said that these confessions and witnesses  are  merely  a relieve to his conscious . A spokesman for the Yemeni  "half-deposed"  President ,Yasser Yamani said : There are heinous and offensive  crimes committed against the southerners, the lowest are expulsion from their jobs and the highest  mass murder and Genocide.
There are many registered  confessions of the barbarian regime in Sana'a that confirm the barbaric occupation to the South. These confessions and the multiple wars in the south, reproduced by the occupation,  require  the need for a United Nations presence in the south.

We hope that the UN Security Council to understand the critical situation as a result from the recent plans for the Sanaa regime for the South and the multiplicity of planning wars and  planting strife which resulted from the continued denial of its right to restore its country and its independence.
You can find clearly in  the documentations that we will submit  to you that we have put comprehensive picture of how the our country fell under the occupation of Yemen.

We call upon the international community to deal with us according to international conventions.

(2): international conventions stated and granted the right to self-determination of people under colonial and racist regimes.

(3): characterization of the current situation in the South by some international bodies and human rights activists state the evidence it is merely brutal occupation to be believed as  genocide.

(4): It is United Nations duty and obligation to fully support the right of self-determination, freedom and independence of people under colonial domination or foreign occupation or racist regimes, as well as the right of these people to be engaged in political struggle to achieve their objectives and in accordance with the purposes and principles of the Universal Declaration of Human rights.

(5): On the election: It is rejected along the South since 1994. We hope not to occur  in the South under the bayonets of the army and security forces, because there are angry people may express their rejection to the elections by various means thus inhuman crimes might commit against them by military and security forces.

(6): we are in the Supreme Council of the Movement of the Peaceful Liberation of the South are well aware of the enormity situation not to unite the south movements, but we know that the Southern Movement  is the all people come out peacefully demanding their land and stolen homeland, the Southern Movement  is not a party or body easy to organize .

However it hurts us more to find the international community, which was previously the subject of trust of our people , do not want until now to open the file  of the 1994 civil war which is still – vivid as confirmed by item-7 from the resolutions of 924 and 931 for the year 1994 - that the case is still under consideration.

In the mean while the international community adopts other issues which are less than our people case in the spirit of justice and rights.
Here we ask the international community , shall any case would be considered due to its justice or due to the parties it represents ?? , If the answer were for justice, is there a case more just than our cause? If the answer is through the consolidation of its representatives, is resolve the issue of governance in Sana'a through the consolidation of the parties or their representatives to unite?
we all know very well that the issue of governance in Sana'a solved not only without unity among the rebels, but also away from the rebels themselves?? .

(7): Sanaa regime deliberately push the international community to fear the threat of Al Qaeda in Yemen in order to get its support to postpone consideration of the issue of occupation of the South and commit the most heinous crimes against its people even till after the elimination of al Qaeda.

(8): If the authorities of  the Yemen occupation in the south were not afraid that the truth of their barbarian practices would be  exposed, they would have not  seized  of a newspaper office "ALAYYAM" in Sana'a, and for its military attack on the family home of "ALAYYAM" in Aden, and dragged the editor, Mr. Hisham Bashraheel and his two sons Hani, Mohammed and put them in prison  for months without any trial.

It would not have adopted trial of Yemeni newspapers that talk about Sothern Movement , and banned the foreign press that talk about the peaceful Southern Movement to enter the South as well.
Neither would it have  prevented reporters from the American and British access to some areas of the burning  South which are  destroyed by  the military machines of Yemen regime.

Therefore, we must remember,

first, that there is no unity by force . 

Second: the  military and security forces in the South should be withdrawn and depart the south. As these military forces located in the South used every day to kill a lot of our people.

  Third, to take those accused of war crimes to the ICC. These  murderers are the one who's  in their hands the determination of the capabilities of our people.

  Fourth: to lift the restrictions on the press and local and external media .

   Fifth, to resume the publishing the "Alay yam" newspaper , according to international conventions, that protect media. . 

Finally, we say: What to do? This is a question addressed to the United Nations to answer. As for us we will continue to struggle until we recover our country ,  get our freedom and restore our homeland.
Now, after more than twenty years since the declaration of war, would have on our people to stay for more years languished under the yoke of the occupation of Yemen? .

That the situation in the South Arabia  is very explosive and very inflamed, and many of our people are still being killed, tortured, imprisoned, and all kinds of barbaric practices.

Instability will continue to be in the Arabian Peninsula, as long as Yemen continues the occupation of the South.

We feel it is necessary the UN Security Council  interfere immediately, on the basis of the international  resolutions :  924 and  931 for the year 1994, in order to save our people and help them in accordance with international conventions and Security Council principle of humanity in order to obtain self-determination and its future under the supervision  of the United Nations.

We appeal to you to let the United Nations, as well as your countries, exert maximum possible pressure on the Sanaa regime and the Accord Government of Yemen to implement the  United Nations resolutions, and give us full independence under international law.

Kindly accept our deep appreciation and respect

Hassan Ahmed Ba'oom
President of the Supreme Council of the Movement  of the Peaceful Liberation of the South

Ali Haitham al-Gharib, lawyer
Member of the Presidium of the Supreme Council - acting head of the Supreme Council

Aden December 17, 2011

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